Alice’s Story

Photo of Alice Lee“My friends wonder how I can be so enthusiastic about teaching after many years in the classroom. I tell them that I have been energized by the graduate classes I am taking in Instructional Technology. The courses have helped me recognize the importance of a student-centered approach to teaching and learning, and how to achieve this in my classroom. I have been introduced to up-to-date ways to infuse creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, and communication into my teaching and student learning. The instructors have set-up a learning environment where classmates thoughtfully interact and learn from each other. I have felt valued, supported, and cheered on as a student. I am a busy teacher and the courses are rigorous, but they inspire me every day. Everything I have learned I have been able to bring immediately into my classroom, and share with my teaching partners, in order to engage our students. I feel confident that this graduate degree is setting me up for future success in whatever direction I decide to pursue! Thank you EDT community.”

– Alice Lee