Andy’s Story
“The University of Maine’s Surveying Engineering Technology online program is a game changer. The education I am receiving is exemplary. The material presented is in-depth and thorough; examples are from real-life data sets, and information beyond the referenced textbooks is utilized allowing for multiple avenues of learning. Furthermore, the faculty of the program are fantastic and extremely dedicated to conveying information to those who want to learn land surveying. Through this program, I have had exposure to industry-leading software, best practices, and equipment.
I jumped at the opportunity for an online education in land surveying at the University of Maine due to the reputation of the existing land surveying program, the value, and the convenience. Working full-time and raising a family leaves little time for anything. The closest ABET-approved land surveying curriculum is an hour-and-a-half drive. The time that would have been spent traveling can fully be dedicated to class time and studying, this is the difference that has made a land surveying education possible for me. I am truly grateful to have the opportunity to obtain a land surveying education remotely and I am thoroughly enjoying the program. It is challenging, rewarding, and will lead to licensure as a professional land surveyor.”
– Andrew Grover